I like to sample many perspectives, excluding only those that already feel like dogma two minutes in. Sometimes it frightens me and sometimes it gives me hope. The world will not be returning to what I'd consider normal, and while I may not be able to do much but ride it out, I've never felt safer for keeping my eyes closed.
This week's discovery was "The Death of US Power (Americans Will Suffer)" by the Nomad Capitalist. I listened to it three times to get the gist of the perspective which is that of wealthy people who are choosing to belong to no nation, at all, or rather multiple ones. You need an income of $500,000 a year to join the club, although they do offer conferences for aspiring members, but I set that aside in favor of wondering if this is yet another hint at a future, on the other side of terrible chaos, where nations aren't the dominant organizing principle of identity. Another aspect of world citizenry -- like gold and bitcoin are for wealth itself and never mind whether it is idealistic or self-interested -- that is stepping out to redefine belonging and dependencies with a consumer mindset. In this case: "I will live and pay taxes where I get the best deal and have the most freedom". I think. Whatever it is, I'm going to keep my eyes open for other examples along similar lines.

See the video discussed above at: https://youtu.be/p4QftS13FuI?si=cZiGtLhGoM9oXvV0